Latest CDs
Graham Dent Trio
Recorded October 2017 in the home studio
Mixed by Graham Dent
JV011 Feb 2018
Graham Dent (keyboard)
Ralf Dorrell (double bass)
Rob Brian (drums)
This is my first piano trio album. It celebrates two important things in my life.
Firstly I have six wonderful grandchildren who give me great pleasure with their unlimited supply of fun and energy. I'd like to think that some of my love of music (particularly jazz of course) has fed through into their genes. Four of them have just started to learn the piano and seem to enjoy it, so things are promising! As a rather personal grandchild celebration this album features an original jazz composition for each of them, attempting to reflect their particular personalities.
Secondly, having moved from the Midlands to Frome in Somerset, I have been fortunate in quickly meeting up and playing with an abundance of talented local musicians. Two of the best, Ralf and Rob, are featured on this album and it has been a real pleasure to regularly gig with these guys during the past year and to record this album. All of the tracks were first takes recorded in my home studio in one day. It was a very productive session and I'm pleased and proud of the results.
Here are some clips from the album. GD
Man-Boy (Dent)
For Bethany (Dent)
Jessica's Day (Dent)
What Was (C Corea)
Curious Terrain (Dent)
Hazel Nut (Dent)
Click here if you would like to purchase the CD or obtain downloads
Graham Dent at Bandcamp
Graham Dent (keyboard, sitar, tabla)
Adrian Smith (bass)
Recorded 2020 in lockdown JazzVibes JV012
My life in music, and especially as a gigging jazz pianist, is like a long journey with twists and turns as collaborations with other musicians come and go. With the coronavirus lockdown it nearly came to an abrupt halt. But fortunately it just took an "Inspiring Detour" instead. I collaborated remotely online with bassist Adrian Smith and this double CD album is the result of our inspiring adventure together. As well as our keyboard/double bass duo, I spiced up some tracks with my sitar and tabla playing and we employed the help of drummer, Greg White, on a handful of tunes. GD
Purchase the album at Graham Dent at Bandcamp
My Favourite Things
You & the Night & the Music
Falling in Love With Love